Veritas International University has been established as an undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate institution seeking to honor Jesus Christ and His word through conservative scholarship and biblical exposition for the sole purpose of developing competent Christian men and women for spiritual leadership.
To fulfill this purpose, we seek to establish a community of learners who are devoted to Jesus Christ and His Body, the Church, within a Christian context of instruction of the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God. This will provide student-learners with an academic opportunity that enables them to fulfill his or her goals as a Christian leader while developing a more profound worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Veritas International University has been established as an institution seeking to honor Jesus Christ and His word through conservative classical scholarship and biblical exposition for the sole purpose of developing competent Christian men and women for spiritual leadership.
To fulfill this purpose, we seek to establish a community of learners who are devoted to Jesus Christ and His body, the Church, within a Christian context of instruction of the inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God. This will provide student-learners with an academic opportunity that enables them to fulfill his or her goals as a Christian leader while developing a more profound worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to equip Christian men and women to evangelize the world and defend the historic Christian faith through rigorous academic and devotional study of the inspired Scriptures. To accomplish this mission, all graduate instruction will emphasize the formation of a Christ-centered and biblical worldview based on God’s truth as revealed in the Bible.
As a community of learners devoted to the mission of Jesus Christ and the furtherance of His Church, we seek to proclaim Christ’s death and resurrection in a classical, biblically based environment. As our name suggests, we seek to create an educational atmosphere that fosters our mission.
Discovering truth (Veritas) in both general and special revelation, teaching the truth of the Bible as the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God, defending the truth, and longing to cultivate a Christian worldview within all students who will in turn communicate these truths to others.
Our vision is to prepare a generation of spiritually mature, biblically equipped, academically advanced, and socially developed individuals for a life of opportunity and service to the glory of God.
VIU exists to help students develop their relationship with God through Jesus Christ, to discover and encourage their gifts, and to inspire each student to realize his or her full potential in serving God in spirit and in truth. Therefore, our vision for VIU and for each student is conveyed through quality academic programs by:
- Proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ through sound theological scholar ship, expository teaching, and evangelism.
- Equipping those whom God has called for a life of service unto Him, cultivating a Christ- centered and biblical worldview.
- Defending the Christian faith against ancient and contemporary challenges to its viability, veracity, sufficiency, and reliability.
Philosophy of Education
Veritas International University believes that all truth finds its source in God (Jn. 14:6), whether it is discovered in general revelation (Ps. 19:1-6; Rom. 1:19-20; 2:15) or special revelation (Jn. 17:17; 2 Tim. 3:16). Therefore, any education which seeks to discover the source and foundation for truth must have as it’s primary focus God Himself, since “in Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3). Therefore, Christian education integrates God’s truth into every discipline of life, so that there is not a dichotomy between secular truth and religious truth (Phil. 4:8). As redeemed individuals, we may know biblical and extra-biblical truth which provides spiritual and intellectual freedom (Jn. 8:32), while offering a bulwark against any tyranny over the minds and hearts of man (2 Cor. 10:4-5).
Christian education deals with teaching and learning based on the inspired Scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16) and continual submission under the authority of the Bible; conducted by Christian teachers primarily for Christian students and empowered by the Holy Spirit bringing all truth into living relationship with the truth of the Word of God. Christian education integrates the whole of the student’s personality with a Bible-centered Christian worldview to enable the student to better serve and glorify God.
A Christian worldview acknowledges the existence of the triune personal God, the Maker of heaven and earth; man’s creation in the image of God, an image ruined by the fall beyond human power to repair, but not beyond God’s power to regenerate; the incarnation of God the Son, His death, burial and bodily resurrection; the Holy Spirit calling out of this present world a community of believers which is Christ’s Body, the Church; and the end of earthly history via the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
There is no Christian education without Christian teachers. Every teacher has a worldview that expresses the convictions by which he or she lives. The worldview of the teacher will gradually influence the worldview of the student. It is for this reason that good Christian models are an absolute necessity for Christian education. Jesus spoke of fully developed disciples being like their teachers (Lk. 6:40). Therefore, a Christian teacher is one redeemed through Jesus Christ; conducting a pure life enabled by His Spirit; called and gifted to teach; and demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit.
VIU Educational Objectives
- To develop the student’s spiritual, moral, intellectual, and devotional understanding of God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the doctrines of orthodox Christianity.
- To develop in the student an awareness that worship of God involves the total life of faith and practice independent of one’s circumstances or environment.
- To develop in the student a sense of awareness, responsibility, and engagement in church planting, evangelism, and global missions.
- To equip the student with the understanding necessary to skillfully and humbly defend the Christian faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
- To assist the student in developing a biblical worldview centered in Christ that will provide the interpretive framework through which to understand the world and provide enduring solutions to its problems.
- To increase the student’s understanding of church and para-church ministry related to biblical studies, theological studies, and apologetics.
- To assist students in gaining an appreciation for Godly knowledge and wisdom, not as an end in itself, but as a means to clarifying, defending, and sharing the gospel with skill, and to help the student live the Christian life as a thoughtful individual.
- To help students embrace a life of Christian humility and sacrificial love, which are the greatest visible and relational testimonies one could offer fellow Christians and the world.
In order to achieve our goal, VIU will offer the student knowledge of God, His Word, and the world in which we proclaim it. It is our firm conviction that the church today must be both biblical and practical. That it would be both anchored to the Rock and geared to the times. It should proclaim God’s changeless truth in these changing times. We take seriously, Paul’s statement that “I am put here for the defense of the gospel” (Philip. 1:16). In a day when serious doctrinal declension permeates the church, we are convinced that in the spiritual realm too, we cannot recognize a counterfeit unless we know the genuine.
With this in view, we offer students a complete understanding of the whole counsel of God in Scripture and a systematic understanding of “sound doctrine” that the apostle Paul urged the church to pursue (2 Tim. 1:3; 4:3-4). For we are firmly convinced that we cannot recognize error, or transform the individual unless we know and receive the truth. Jesus said, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth” (Jn. 17:17). Indeed, He added, “I am the truth” (Jn. 14:6). So, whether it is in propositional form or in personal form, VIU is committed to convey and apply the truth of God to the church of God.
Student Objectives
Graduates will be prepared:
- To interpret the Word of God in its own literary, historical, and theological settings with the relevance and meaning which leads to the formation of a biblical worldview.
- To develop an apologetic response to the philosophies and movements that threaten the welfare of Christ’s Church in the modern age.
- To evaluate for biblical accuracy the theological resources of the church, including the creeds, confessions, sermons, and other historic documents.
- To cultivate a God-honoring Christian walk which leads to an appreciation for and participation in discipleship, world missions, evangelism and church planting.
- To clearly articulate, debate, and teach sound theological beliefs in language consistent with Scripture for the purpose of spiritual growth, teaching, convincing, correcting, and instructing in righteousness.
- To uncompromisingly communicate the Word of God and theological beliefs to a modern world.
- To lead by Christ’s example of humility and self-sacrificing love and service.