Certificate of Christian Apologetics (C.C.A.)
The Certificate of Apologetics (C.C.A.) is a 66 unit Master of Arts degree that may be completed in as little as two (2) years, but is designed for 42 months of full time study (9 units per semester). This course of study builds on the core requirements described under the C.T.S. course of study by adding 30 units in the area of Christian apologetics, religion, and philosophy. The program emphasizes classical apologetics centered on the inerrant word of God in the Thomistic (Aquinas) and Augustinian tradition. This degree is designed for lay persons, those in counter-cult ministries, and who are engaged in non-pastoral ministry activities. Of particular importance is the program’s focus on educating students to train those in the local church or those who seek to be in leadership roles involving apologetic sand philosophical skills. Upon completion of the program, each student will have demonstrated knowledge in the areas of theological studies, Old and New Testament, Christian apologetics, alternative religious perspectives and worldviews, Christian ethics, and philosphy as it relates to proclaiming and defending Christian doctrine.
The course of study objectives are:
1. To prepare the student to defend Christian doctrine from ancient and contemporary challenges.
2. To prepare the student to serve in a church, para-church apologetic ministry or other ministry venue that trains in spiritual discernment and theological response.
3. To prepare the student to apologetically research and write in a manner that is hermeneutically and theologically sound.
Optional Philosophy of Religion Concentration. In addition to the basic C.C.A. course of study, there is an optional concentration in philosophy of religion. The concentration is fulfilled by completing PH540 Theistic Metaphysics and PH550 Theistic Epistemology in lieu of both AP502 Archaeology and Bible History and One Elective. After completing these courses, the student will have fulfilled a total of 15 units in the area of philosophy.
The following courses comprise the 66 units of the C.C.A.:
OT515 Old Testament Survey (3 units)
NT510 Jesus and the Early Church: The Gospels and Acts (3 units)
NT520 Paul and the Later Church: The NT Letters and Revelation (3 units)
NT530 New Testament Research & Methodology (3 units)
TH520 Biblical Hermeneutics (3 units)
TH530 Prolegomena and Bibliology (3 units)
TH540 Theology Proper and Creation (3 units)
TH550 Christology and Pneumatology (3 units)
TH560 Hamartiology and Soteriology (3 units)
TH570 Ecclesiology and Eschatology (3 units)
AP501 Introduction to Christian Apologetics (3 units)
AP502 Biblical Archaeology (3 units)
AP503 Apologetics to Islam (3 units)
AP504 Christian Ethics (3 units)
RE504 World Religions (3 units)
RE505 Contemporary Cults (3 units)
PH510 Logic (3 units)
PH520/530 History of Philosophy and Christian Thought I & II (6 units)
RW501 Thesis Research and Writing or One Elective (3 units)
RW499 Research Methods and Technology Skills (P/F)
CM501/502/503 Church/Mission Experience I, II, III (P/F)
PH540 Theistic Metaphysics (3 units) – in lieu of AP502 Biblical Archaeology
PH550 Theistic Epistemology (3 units) – in lieu of one elective